Lines of work: Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
The Group of Robotics and Society of the University of Salamanca (GROUSAL) began its activity at the beginning of the 90's. After several decades of work, it has sufficient maturity and background to consolidate its areas of work and research, sustained by numerous results presented in international conferences, journals and projects with private companies.
Collaboration with different Knowledge Areas within our University and with other centres has allowed us to face multiple projects considering different points of view.
Companies from sectors as diverse as: nuclear, agro-food, laser, security, medical, ..., have contributed to GROUSAL a know-how that is transferred to the students who have integrated the group, as is evident in successful cases such as MEGA Spain.
Nowadays, GROUSAL developments are focused on:
- Path planning
- Tasks planning
- Software parallelization
- Real-time distributed software
As mentioned, we work in different knowledge areas:
- Artificial Intelligence
- System Control
- Industrial Automatization/li>
- Communication systems
- Real-time
- Software Engineering
GROUSAL consists of diez people, including seven doctors. This provide GROUSAL an important
research capability. The rest of the people is doing their doctoral thesis at different
areas, being Robotics the common scope of their work.
Students also make great contributions with their Final Degree Projects.
The purpose of this web inteds to achieve the rest of the scientific community
and for that we have this web. We want to hear your suggestions, to know about your contributions
and to establish connections with similar groups.