Waste processing from an Iberian pork farm (2011 - 2014) (EXP. Nº: SA/08/0062/S21)

Project Summary

         A pilot plant for biogas production has been developed in this project. The substrate used has been the manures from an Iberian pork farm called "El Harem". This plant allows to perform a scale reproduction of the industrial process and to carry out several tests with different substrates, co-substrates, bacteria,... This work is involved within a collaboration project between our Research Group and the company "Biogás Patanegra, S.L."

        The plant consists of:

    - A continuous-stirred jacketed reactor, in where the anaerobic digestion is performed.
    - A thermal reservoir to recirculate the water by pumping
    - A substrate feeder for the reactor. A mechanic pre-processing for the substrate is performed using an industrial shredder. The reactor is feeded using a peristaltic pump.
    - A tank for collecting biogas.

         A SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) system has been built to allow the remote management, control, monitoring and supervision from other company facilities located tens of kilometers away.)